Choosing the ideal countertop can be difficult and time-consuming when renovating your kitchen
August 6, 2020
You just got yourself a granite countertop? Or you want to buy a kitchen countertop made of durable granite, but are not sure how to care for granite countertops? The maintenance of granite countertops is one of the most common questions when it comes to this natural, sustainable material. Every year we serve thousands of customers who approach us with this question. The most important tips for the care of granite countertops can be found here!
August 25, 2020The natural aesthetics and sheer beauty of Granite can be enjoyed from the floor to the ceiling in a bathroom. A few great examples are Granite tub surrounds, Granite shower enclosures, and Granite vanity tops.
The work surface is one of the most important areas in the kitchen and should be planned primarily in terms of functionality and ergonomics. The design of the countertop is naturally subject to your individual preferences. On our information page about kitchen countertops you can find out about the most popular countertop materials.
A new trend in kitchen planning is to transfer the countertop into a counter or a bar, or to have a seat made of the countertop material directly adjacent.
Select Wall Units
Wall units are mainly adapted to the kitchen style. In very modern and design-oriented kitchens, wall units are usually long and low. They are often used very sparsely or even omitted completely in favour of shelf lighting systems. Within the framework of classic or rustic kitchen concepts, in addition to wall units with normally hinged doors, glass, blind, folding, hinged or sliding doors are often used, depending on the style.
Here again, the following applies: Plan corner cabinets with any top cabinets first and make sure that the width of the extractor fan is taken into account. Then you should consider which type of wall unit suits your favourite kitchen style: Glass cabinets, flap or designer cabinets? Have you perhaps also thought about striking extra-wide wall units?
Once these questions have been answered, you can fill the spaces between the corner cabinets with the desired cabinet types, shelves or even open spaces.
Schedule A Free Apppointment & Ask For A Quote
Now you have done the perfect preparatory work and done everything that a kitchen customer can do himself in advance for the kitchen planning! From here on you should rely on professional support. Make one or more appointments with the service partners of your choice and get offers.